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Myzone: Live Insights

Banntyne is working with Myzone to enhance the customer journey, starting with the onboarding stage

The Bannatyne Group, through a close partnership with Myzone, is effectively integrating its software and products across its full member journey, with the purpose of optimising member engagement and retention.

“Myzone provides members with live insights into what their body is doing,” says Oliver Cox, head of fitness programming. “This means members never feel lost in the gym, they know exactly what they’re doing and feel great doing it.”

A smarter pathway
Recognising the need to engage members from the offset, Bannatyne has focused on its Smart Path – an exceptional new member pathway.

Fundamental to this is the MZ-Fitness Test, a 12-minute cardiovascular test based on heart rate recovery.

“We’ve had a great member response to the test; it turns a tedious few minutes on an exercise machine into an engaging challenge for them,” Cox says. “It also greatly benefits the coaches, as it provides them with a robust fitness assessment for member programming.”

Incorporating partner technologies into member journeys isn’t just beneficial for member engagement, either, as Cox explains: “To reap the benefits of partner technologies, we realised we needed to integrate them into daily processes, such as member onboarding, to ensure staff retained knowledge but also to make the journey consistent for all new members.”

Advancing the experience
“Myzone integrates perfectly with our club systems, helping to create an incredible member experience,” says Oliver. Included in this is their B.Matched class, where members cycle within prescribed heart rate zones with an appropriately matched soundtrack. As members are ranked on their zone-match adherence, you not only see heightened motivation, but also some fun and friendly competitiveness.

It doesn’t end at the club walls, though. The Bannatyne team also recognise the benefits of offering a remote class solution, using the MZ-Remote software, even hoping to hit the record for most MZ-Remote participants at one time.

Not just for members
And it’s not just the members who get involved with Myzone. Cox says: “Staff need to understand what our members understand and what better way to do this than a full staff challenge – The Bannatyne Cup – which takes place across all eight Bannatyne regions.

“To impact behaviour change, there’s nothing more effective than operators embracing their own activity goals and technology tools, and Bannatyne is showing the way.”

photo: Bannatyne

"Myzone integrates perfectly with our club systems, helping create an incredible member experience," –  Oliver Cox, Bannatyne

Credit: photo: Safe Myzone


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Health Club Management
2022 issue 7

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Leisure Management - Myzone: Live Insights

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Myzone: Live Insights

Banntyne is working with Myzone to enhance the customer journey, starting with the onboarding stage

Myzone and Bannatyne have collaborated on a new member journey photo: Safe Myzone
photo: Safe Myzone

The Bannatyne Group, through a close partnership with Myzone, is effectively integrating its software and products across its full member journey, with the purpose of optimising member engagement and retention.

“Myzone provides members with live insights into what their body is doing,” says Oliver Cox, head of fitness programming. “This means members never feel lost in the gym, they know exactly what they’re doing and feel great doing it.”

A smarter pathway
Recognising the need to engage members from the offset, Bannatyne has focused on its Smart Path – an exceptional new member pathway.

Fundamental to this is the MZ-Fitness Test, a 12-minute cardiovascular test based on heart rate recovery.

“We’ve had a great member response to the test; it turns a tedious few minutes on an exercise machine into an engaging challenge for them,” Cox says. “It also greatly benefits the coaches, as it provides them with a robust fitness assessment for member programming.”

Incorporating partner technologies into member journeys isn’t just beneficial for member engagement, either, as Cox explains: “To reap the benefits of partner technologies, we realised we needed to integrate them into daily processes, such as member onboarding, to ensure staff retained knowledge but also to make the journey consistent for all new members.”

Advancing the experience
“Myzone integrates perfectly with our club systems, helping to create an incredible member experience,” says Oliver. Included in this is their B.Matched class, where members cycle within prescribed heart rate zones with an appropriately matched soundtrack. As members are ranked on their zone-match adherence, you not only see heightened motivation, but also some fun and friendly competitiveness.

It doesn’t end at the club walls, though. The Bannatyne team also recognise the benefits of offering a remote class solution, using the MZ-Remote software, even hoping to hit the record for most MZ-Remote participants at one time.

Not just for members
And it’s not just the members who get involved with Myzone. Cox says: “Staff need to understand what our members understand and what better way to do this than a full staff challenge – The Bannatyne Cup – which takes place across all eight Bannatyne regions.

“To impact behaviour change, there’s nothing more effective than operators embracing their own activity goals and technology tools, and Bannatyne is showing the way.”

photo: Bannatyne

"Myzone integrates perfectly with our club systems, helping create an incredible member experience," –  Oliver Cox, Bannatyne

Originally published in Health Club Management 2022 issue 7

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