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Matrix Fitness: a serious investment

Live Active Leisure commissioned Matrix to transform the sports hall at Bell’s Sports Centre into an impressive 126-station gym

Live Active Leisure, a local leisure trust based in Perth, Scotland, has seen one of its venues, Bell’s Sports Centre, undergo a huge £750,000 transformation.

The project has involved the repurposing of a coaching hall into a brand new 126-station gym, complete with state-of-the-art Matrix Fitness equipment, and three dedicated fitness studios.

The renovation, which opened to the public in July 2022, now has an impressive big box gym with boutique-style programming and the latest equipment from Matrix Fitness.

Live Active Leisure’s activity programming and fitness manager, Graeme Lackie, said: “This was a vast project and one that was not only designed to cater for the health and fitness needs of the local community, but to also offer something different for those looking to take their training up a gear and even attract the highest level of athlete.

“The new gym has the perfect combination of equipment,” said Lackie. “The latest equipment from the Matrix Fitness Performance and Endurance series is combined with total connectivity, thanks to Touch XL, Touch and Premium LED consoles, which give interactive access to all, while providing easy-read touchscreen use where required.

“The gym is laid out in a way that gives users a ‘big box’ feel, but with boutique quality, customer service and attention to detail that really adds to the member experience,” said Lackie.

“We’ve also incorporated Matrix Fitness Sprint 8 and Virtual Active console features, as well as MX4 and MX4 Active group exercise programming into our timetable so we can elevate our group exercise offering,” he continued.

“This is the biggest gym in the area and thanks to Matrix Fitness, we have an unrivalled offering we hope will attract members from far and wide.”

Highlights include the gym’s centrepiece, the Matrix Fitness Double Mega Rack, an eye-catching exercise, strength and conditioning frame that takes weight training and functional training to the next level.

The gym also houses the Matrix Fitness Go Series strength circuit and the latest from the Matrix Fitness Cardio range, which includes the Performance Plus Treadmill with Touch XL Console.

Chris Porrino, area sales manager at Matrix Fitness UK, said: “Live Active has significantly invested in better facilities for the community and has provided an elite-level training space that’s second to none in the area. We’ve enjoyed working with them to bring this project to life, and look forward to seeing its continued success.”


"Thanks to Matrix Fitness, we now have an unrivalled fitness offering" – Graeme Lackie, Live Active Leisure



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Health Club Management
2022 issue 9

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Leisure Management - Matrix Fitness: a serious investment

Supplier showcase

Matrix Fitness: a serious investment

Live Active Leisure commissioned Matrix to transform the sports hall at Bell’s Sports Centre into an impressive 126-station gym

Live Active Leisure has repurposed a coaching hall to create a new gym

Live Active Leisure, a local leisure trust based in Perth, Scotland, has seen one of its venues, Bell’s Sports Centre, undergo a huge £750,000 transformation.

The project has involved the repurposing of a coaching hall into a brand new 126-station gym, complete with state-of-the-art Matrix Fitness equipment, and three dedicated fitness studios.

The renovation, which opened to the public in July 2022, now has an impressive big box gym with boutique-style programming and the latest equipment from Matrix Fitness.

Live Active Leisure’s activity programming and fitness manager, Graeme Lackie, said: “This was a vast project and one that was not only designed to cater for the health and fitness needs of the local community, but to also offer something different for those looking to take their training up a gear and even attract the highest level of athlete.

“The new gym has the perfect combination of equipment,” said Lackie. “The latest equipment from the Matrix Fitness Performance and Endurance series is combined with total connectivity, thanks to Touch XL, Touch and Premium LED consoles, which give interactive access to all, while providing easy-read touchscreen use where required.

“The gym is laid out in a way that gives users a ‘big box’ feel, but with boutique quality, customer service and attention to detail that really adds to the member experience,” said Lackie.

“We’ve also incorporated Matrix Fitness Sprint 8 and Virtual Active console features, as well as MX4 and MX4 Active group exercise programming into our timetable so we can elevate our group exercise offering,” he continued.

“This is the biggest gym in the area and thanks to Matrix Fitness, we have an unrivalled offering we hope will attract members from far and wide.”

Highlights include the gym’s centrepiece, the Matrix Fitness Double Mega Rack, an eye-catching exercise, strength and conditioning frame that takes weight training and functional training to the next level.

The gym also houses the Matrix Fitness Go Series strength circuit and the latest from the Matrix Fitness Cardio range, which includes the Performance Plus Treadmill with Touch XL Console.

Chris Porrino, area sales manager at Matrix Fitness UK, said: “Live Active has significantly invested in better facilities for the community and has provided an elite-level training space that’s second to none in the area. We’ve enjoyed working with them to bring this project to life, and look forward to seeing its continued success.”


"Thanks to Matrix Fitness, we now have an unrivalled fitness offering" – Graeme Lackie, Live Active Leisure

Originally published in Health Club Management 2022 issue 9

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