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Celebrating 300 editions of HCM

Steven Ward, Chief transformation officer, GO fit, ukactive 2006-2019

This edition marks the 300th publication of what was Health Club Management magazine – now known by its ubiquitous abbreviation of HCM – and universally recognised for its unfaltering devotion to its mission of uniting the world of fitness.

When the time comes to chart the history of the evolution of our great sector, HCM will be there as having been responsible for creating the richest primary source material. Through the emergence, growth, professionalisation and ongoing evolution of an industry, HCM has been there to tell the stories and inspire us all. The new formats. The entrepreneurs. The latest innovations in products. The magazine, along with its website, ezine, social feeds and HCM Handbook, has helped us to follow the development of careers, detect the new trends and share what matters to us all with our global industry peers.

Through the course of 300 editions, we’ve seen the rise and fall and rise again of great industry brands. We’ve seen the impacts on the industry of dramatic events, economic crashes, pandemics and conflict and also huge phases of growth. We’ve debated the topics on the mind of industry leaders, sought to be reflective on our place in the world, and considered what we might have to do to continue to elevate the value and importance of physical activity to society.

We’ve seen our great industry thrive and push through challenges, in a constant state of evolution, with each new generation of industry-leading companies bringing new energy, impetus and drive to the sector.

At this moment of reflection on 300 editions, can we cast our mind forwards to what will fill the pages of this publication in 300 editions’ time? What world will we be in? What industry will we have created? What impact will we have made on the lives of communities? What status do we wish to have in the societies in which we operate? So many open questions, for ourselves, our companies, our stakeholders and our industry.

The only thing of which we can be certain is that the pages of this publication will continue to be filled by people full of commitment to making a positive mark on the world, improving health and wellbeing across the globe and striving relentlessly to push our great industry forward.

It’s the people that make this industry what it is, and it’s the people who will create its future.

In times of great challenge, of such complex uncertainty, we should be grateful for the routines and rhythms that help us feel grounded. HCM landing on our desk every month, along with HCM’s daily news feed and twice weekly ezines provides us with infrastructure around which our fantastic industry can coalesce, share its successes, debate its failures and prepare its next evolution. Sincere congratulations to Liz Terry and Jan Williams and the entire HCM team past and present that have got us to this point. Let’s all commit to filling these pages for another 300 editions with the stories we are yet to write, and the impact we are yet to make.

• Enjoy the HCM archive online, on Digital Turning Pages and on PDF at www.HCMmag.com/archive

photo: Steven Ward / GO Fit Group

"When the time comes to chart the history of our great sector, HCM will be there as having been responsible for creating the richest primary source material," – Steven Ward, Chief transformation officer, GO fit; ukactive 2006-2019



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Leisure Management - Celebrating 300 editions of HCM

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Celebrating 300 editions of HCM

Steven Ward, Chief transformation officer, GO fit, ukactive 2006-2019

Our industry is full of people committed to making a positive impact photo: GO Fit Group

This edition marks the 300th publication of what was Health Club Management magazine – now known by its ubiquitous abbreviation of HCM – and universally recognised for its unfaltering devotion to its mission of uniting the world of fitness.

When the time comes to chart the history of the evolution of our great sector, HCM will be there as having been responsible for creating the richest primary source material. Through the emergence, growth, professionalisation and ongoing evolution of an industry, HCM has been there to tell the stories and inspire us all. The new formats. The entrepreneurs. The latest innovations in products. The magazine, along with its website, ezine, social feeds and HCM Handbook, has helped us to follow the development of careers, detect the new trends and share what matters to us all with our global industry peers.

Through the course of 300 editions, we’ve seen the rise and fall and rise again of great industry brands. We’ve seen the impacts on the industry of dramatic events, economic crashes, pandemics and conflict and also huge phases of growth. We’ve debated the topics on the mind of industry leaders, sought to be reflective on our place in the world, and considered what we might have to do to continue to elevate the value and importance of physical activity to society.

We’ve seen our great industry thrive and push through challenges, in a constant state of evolution, with each new generation of industry-leading companies bringing new energy, impetus and drive to the sector.

At this moment of reflection on 300 editions, can we cast our mind forwards to what will fill the pages of this publication in 300 editions’ time? What world will we be in? What industry will we have created? What impact will we have made on the lives of communities? What status do we wish to have in the societies in which we operate? So many open questions, for ourselves, our companies, our stakeholders and our industry.

The only thing of which we can be certain is that the pages of this publication will continue to be filled by people full of commitment to making a positive mark on the world, improving health and wellbeing across the globe and striving relentlessly to push our great industry forward.

It’s the people that make this industry what it is, and it’s the people who will create its future.

In times of great challenge, of such complex uncertainty, we should be grateful for the routines and rhythms that help us feel grounded. HCM landing on our desk every month, along with HCM’s daily news feed and twice weekly ezines provides us with infrastructure around which our fantastic industry can coalesce, share its successes, debate its failures and prepare its next evolution. Sincere congratulations to Liz Terry and Jan Williams and the entire HCM team past and present that have got us to this point. Let’s all commit to filling these pages for another 300 editions with the stories we are yet to write, and the impact we are yet to make.

• Enjoy the HCM archive online, on Digital Turning Pages and on PDF at www.HCMmag.com/archive

photo: Steven Ward / GO Fit Group

"When the time comes to chart the history of our great sector, HCM will be there as having been responsible for creating the richest primary source material," – Steven Ward, Chief transformation officer, GO fit; ukactive 2006-2019

Originally published in Health Club Management 2022 issue 3

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